

  • Juan Esteban Posada Morales Universidad Nacional de Colombia


The central idea is delimited from the question of how the identity category arises from the satisfaction and also time consuming as arises from its relationship with the referent stigmatizing poverty. What you want to support this distinction is that the claim constitutes an aesthetic structure of the city and for the city. Based on these approaches, arrange text outlining a general premise judgments, individual and collective, and structuring of a social building exercise for the market, as well as address the individuality in consumer society, to continue pointing out some central themes of poverty, diversity of stigmatization, and public life. He tried to suggest that this is not merely epistemological problem, and that the split between the collective and the individual is articulating a series of social identity practices, while legislation embodies a bet on what should be the rate of poverty as discrimination and stigmatization, problems associated with poverty as own unique developments of consumer capitalism.


ethics of consumption, consumerism, poverty, city, identity

Author Biography

Juan Esteban Posada Morales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Politólogo de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, perteneciente al Grupo Narrativas Modernas y Critica del Presente. Candidato a Magister en Historia, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Ha realizado investigaciones relacionadas con Filantropía y solidaridad en la sociedad de consumidores, con estudios analítico-conceptuales sobre el cuerpo, la salud, la vulnerabilidad y la pobreza en perspectiva local, y con análisis de la relación entre escuela, contexto urbano y dinámicas de consumo (caso ciudad de Medellín).