Toward the elaboration of a Universal Design Protocol in the National University of Córdoba


  • Mauricio Alexei Mareño Sempertegui Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Cecilia Brissio Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Flavia Ovejero Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


This article is aimed at expressing the main aspects of the process of administration of an Urban and Building Protocol of Accessibility based on the principles of Universal Design in the National University of Cordoba in Argentina.The main concepts that form the theoretical structure are outlined, posing the need to overcome traditional conceptions which still remain in the policies of accessibility in regional universities and which are insufficient to guide the design of a respectful intervention of fundamental rights. In this way, the concepts of disability and accessibility should be redefined from a perspective of rights.This institutional protocol has as its main objective the guidance of the design and construction of an urban and building space for this university so it can be useful for all the people in a safe, self-sufficient-unexclusive way. Thus, some essential institutional conditions are outlined to guarantee its effective implementation.


Universal Design, Accessibility, Urban and Building Protocol of Accessibility

Author Biographies

Mauricio Alexei Mareño Sempertegui, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Consultor independiente en accesibilidad e inclusión educativa. Ex coordinador de la Oficina de Inclusión Educativa de Personas en Situación de Discapacidad. Secretaría de Asuntos Estudiantiles. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.

Cecilia Brissio, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Arquitecta. Coordinadora del Equipo Técnico de Accesibilidad del Colegio de Arquitectos de la Provincia de Córdoba-Regional 1.

Flavia Ovejero, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Arquitecta. Miembro de la Dirección de Estudios, Programas y Proyectos de la Subsecretaría de Planeamiento Físico de la Secretaría de Planificación y Gestión Institucional de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.