The process of gentrification in Genoa from the urban transformations of 1992


  • Francesco Gastaldi Universidad IUAV de Venecia
  • Federico Camerin Universidad IUAV de Venecia


This study follows some research activities and publications concerning urban policies in the city of Genoa, with specific interest in projects linked to the old city centre and the waterfront, and the role of great events in urban regeneration. In this framework, the topic of "gentrification" is investigated, is the dynamic of new residents with higher income levels moving into the old city centre and displacing the previous residents, clearly visible from the second half of the 1990s. Deciding to relocate into run-down buildings started to be seen, not as an unavoidable choice for marginalized populations, but as an ideal solution for certain people with a strong need for social interaction and representation, started to be attracted by the historical, cultural and environmental values, by the centrality of the area, and by investment opportunities.


Gentrification, Great events, urban regeneration, Genoa

Author Biography

Federico Camerin, Universidad IUAV de Venecia

Graduado en Urbanismo, Becario de recerca de Urbanística al Departamento de “Progettazione e pianificazione in ambienti complessi”, Universidad IUAV de Venecia, Santa Croce 191 Tolentini 30135 Venecia (Italia)