The missing link: Land management in urbanization policies under the Federal Housing Plans in Avellaneda and the City of Buenos Aires


  • Denise Brikman CONICET; Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Mercedes Najman CONICET; Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Florencia Aramburu CONICET; Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • María Mercedes Di Virgilio CONICET; Universidad de Buenos Aires


In the framework of the exit of the social, economic and political crisis of the year 2001, a set of housing programs were developed in Argentina that enabled processes of urbanization of informal settlements with very diverse implementations and results. The characteristics of the land and the mechanisms for its management were not incorporated into the designs, which enabled diverse strategies that facilitated (or not) the implementation of the policies. This article proposes to characterize the different land management models developed and to identify if they conditioned the possibilities of their implementation. Four intervention cases located in central areas of the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires -Avellaneda and the City of Buenos Aires- that reflect management instruments and diverse results are analyzed through a qualitative approach. The analysis shows that certain intrinsically territorial characteristics -such as location, land ownership, the scale of neighborhoods- in relation to the participating actors and the definition of the recipients, conditioned the development of land management instruments and made possible different results.


Informal settlements, land management, urban policies