Social perception of insecurity and symbolic appropriation of space in the periphery of metropolis of Mexico



This article analyzes how the social perception of insecurity, and the symbolic appropriation of space are interrelated processes in the daily experience of the subjects, based on a case study in the Villas de la Laguna neighborhood, Zumpango de Ocampo, in the periphery of metropolis of Mexico. In the first part, are defined the concepts of social perception of insecurity and symbolic appropriation of space. Subsequently, are discussed the underlying causes of the urbanization process in that place, its peculiarities, and consequences, such as the presence of insecurity and its subjective effects on the inhabitants. The main conclusion is that the subjects that inhabit that place define it as unsafe and dangerous, through the use of different devices such as the body and the senses, which are linked to their different ways of living the space through rumors and walking. Finally, to account for this, a methodological strategy was implemented that consisted of field observations, semi- structured interviews with key informants, recovery of official statistical data, review of newspaper notes, photographs and geographic information systems, in order to provide other elements for reflection, debate and decision making.


Neighborhood Villas de La Laguna, periphery metropolis of México, social perception of the insecurity, symbolic appropriation of the space

Author Biography

Oscar Castillo Oropeza, Universidad Intercultural del Estado de Hidalgo