How to validate an interview of open questions: a proposal for empirical philosophy research


  • Loreto Andrea Mora Muñoz Universidad de Chile


As part of a doctoral thesis, which consisted of an empirical philosophical investigation, an interview with open questions was prepared to investigate philosophical conceptions regarding the nature of science. In said preparation, a validation process was planned to give reliability to the qualitative instrument for data collection. This process was carried out in three consecutive stages: based on philosophical theoretical references; based on an application as a pilot test; and based on expert evaluation. The result presents an innovative proposal for the validation of interviews, as an intersubjective construction, obtaining an instrument that seeks to be reliable when undertaking research with qualitative methods in philosophy of science, applicable to other areas of humanities and social sciences. The foregoing, especially in the context of undergraduate and postgraduate research and theses, where scientific rigor, reliability and validity are required in the areas and disciplines of the so-called conjectural sciences, such as education.


interview validation, validation process, empirical philosophy research