One of the challenges for higher education (HE) is to ensure access and permanence for students from disadvantaged groups according to their ethnicity, gender, or socioeconomic level (CINDA, 2019; Ainscow, 2020). To face these challenges, access and accompaniment programs have been created (Díaz-Romero, 2016), as is the case of the Program for Effective Access to Higher Education (PACE). One of the components of PACE, highly valued by students, is the Mentoring Program (PM) (Reyes, 2019). This article presents a study that investigates the beliefs, experiences and opinions on inclusion and learning of PACE mentors from a Chilean university of excellence. The findings of this study allow us to visualize the inclusion strategies used by the mentors, the link they establish with the student, their perceptions on aspects of learning and insertion in university life of the students, and what are the challenges at the institutional level that are urgent to address to improve the Program. Based on these findings, recommendations are made for improvements of the PACE program that could be implemented at the university where the study was carried out and the importance of mentors is highlighted.
Muñoz Masson, L. E. (2023). Mentors of the Program for Effective Access to Higher Education (PACE): beliefs, experiences and opinions on inclusion and learning. Revista Saberes Educativos, (11), 1–20.